North Green Association‘s initiative project “3xGreat-4You, 4Environment, 4Community – Kamëz Municipality” financed by Kamëz Municipality with the main goals to increase the Environment Education.
Increasing awareness and education of young people through information, education, awareness, action, entertainment, and awareness-raising sports activities for a clean and healthy environment.
Responsibility: Lack of Environment Education
Collaboration: Lack of cooperation of the main actors
Environment impact: The indifference of government about the environment/social/economic impact.
Activism and awareness:
The indifference of community of the environment situation when they live.
Info sessions in schools of Kamza Municipality
Organize different presentation to increase the Environment Education in all the 9-year-old and high schools
Activism in different ways by creating multimedia products (Candid Camera) satirical way to raise awareness for environmental protection
Planting trees in areas predetermined by local authorities at the Urban Park “Liqeni i Paskuqanit” which is being transformed day by day
Sport Activities:
Increasing sports activities (sports, health and environment) with the participation of students from schools of the Kamëz Municipality at the Urban Park “Liqeni i Paskuqanit”.
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